Making assignments and lesson plans look clean and streamlined is something I care deeply about. Visual aesthetic is one of the things people take in first when they look at a project. One way that I found that is a easy way to add to a efficient looking project is using the Bitly URL shortener website. This is a free website that allows you to take a long and daunting link for a website such as and shorten it into a tidier looking link like which takes up less space. I was able to use this recently in a lesson plan I created. I took inspiration from the google doc modules we have been using in our technology class. The goal was to embed hyperlinks into the google doc for students to easily access media at their own pace but embedding long and cumbersome URL’s would have clogged up the document. Using I was able to shorten all of the links to clean looking shortcuts that did not take up much space. When trying to make an assignment, the last thing you want is for students to get distracted or feel overwhelmed by huge links that take up two lines of text each. Being able to shorten everything down to a clean few letters was a dream come true. Below is a photo of the lesson plan found at . I will definitely be using this technique in my classrooms in the future.
How do you rename the link entirely ie) HERe?
Great idea! You can rename the end of URL links, as long as someone else hasn’t already used the customized URL.